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군데군데 뛰어넘어 읽기 영어로


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  • 군데군데    군데군데 here and there;
  • 읽기    act of reading; read
  • 군데군데    군데군데 here and there; sporadically(산재하여); at[in] places; (in) various places; sparsely. ~ 눈이 쌓이다 be covered with snow here and there. (페인트 등이) ~ 벗겨져 있다 be off in places. ~ 나무를 심다 plant trees here and
  • 군데    군데 a place; a spot; a point; a part. 한두 ~의 잘못 one or two mistakes. 한 ~ 오래 머물다 stay long in the same place. 여러 ~ 상처를 입다 receive several wounds. 이 등산로에는 위험한 곳이 세 ~ 있다 There are three dangerous spots[p
  • 뛰어넘어서 잡다    jump
  • 각군데    각군데 [各-] every[each] place; various[all] places[quarters]; all sides; everywhere. ☞ 각처(各處), 각지(各地) ~의[에] in every[each] place; in various[all] places; on all sides. ~에서 from various[all] quarters. ~
  • 한군데    한군데 [일정한 장소] the same place[spot]. 그들은 토요일마다 늘 ~에서 만나곤 했다 They used to meet together at the same place on every Saturday.
  • 뛰어넘어서 상대방의 말을 잡다    jump
  • 군데리쿠스    Gunderic
  • 군데리크    gunderic
  • 트루데 군데르센    Trude Gundersen
  • 뛰어넘는    jump over
  • 뛰어넘다    뛰어넘다1 (장애물 등을) jump[leap / spring] over; clear (a fence); vault over (a gate). 담을 ~ clear[jump over] a fence. 장애물을 ~ clear[leap] a hurdle. 6피트를 쉽게 ~ clear six feet with an easy jump. 그는 바[가로장]를 깨끗이
  • 뛰어넘음    discourse; conversation; discussion; negotiation; talk
  • 모포 뛰어넘기    Le Saut à la couverture
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